The Strongest Metal in This World


            Hi guys, Have you watched The Avengers: Age of Ultron Movie? On that movie, it told that the strongest metal in this world located on Africa land, especially in South Africa. The strongest metal in this movie called Vibranium. Do you believe that Vibranium real exists in this world? The answer is ‘No it’s not”

            Vibranium is a fiction metal which appear on a comic books which publicized by Marvel. This Metal is used as a main material to make the Shield of Captain America.

            In the story of The Avengers: Age of Ultron movie, this metal also used by Ultron as a main material to make his bio-organic body. He got this metal from black market which located on Wakanda (Fiction city on The Avengers Movie)
So, what is the real strongest metal in this world?
            Until now, it’s being a main discussion topic for the scientists. The tribute as the strongest metal in this world reviewed from the density of molecules, tensile strength, and corrosion resistance.
            Based on the article which publicized by Teknoku Blog, there are 3 kind of metals which be a nominator as a strongest metal in his world.

1.    Wolfram (W)
   Wolfram is the grey metal which consists of many of chemical element. Wolfram has very high    density about 19,3 times more than water and 71% more than Tin and little bit more than              Uranium. High density makes this metal very strong. The weakness of this metal is brittle. this      metal always used as alloy in metal.

2.      Osmium (Os)
          Osmium is a transition metal. This metal is the one of the densest metal in this world. Osmium      has density twice more than Tin about 22,59 g/cm3. The characteristic of this metal little bit          same with the Wolfram, which has high density, hard metal, and high smelted point.

3.    Titanium

This metal has lower density than Wolfram and Osmium. Titanium has high strength, high malleability, anti-corrosion, and high smelting point about 1650°C or 1923K. This metal also has tensile power until 63.000 psi.
Titanium is strong like a steel but it 60% lighter than steel. This metal is high temperature resistant, with the lower ratio of weight-strength than Aluminum. That’s why the component which made from Titanium just need small place to put it.

So, which is the strongest metal in this “real” world? ? ? (^_^)

I’m so sorry if my English is bad. That’s because I’m still learn and try to practice it.


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